Current Clients

State of Indiana​
IN911 G24 (December 2023 - Ongoing)
​​TSSI Consulting has been engaged by INdigital to assist in the management of a statewide MEVO and NGCS project with the IN911 State Office. This includes network hardware replacement, MEVO upgrades, statewide deployment of Logix, monitoring of call detail record (CDR) collectors, statewide geo-routing, and training. TSSI developed the project plans and timeline for deployment of each sub-project. TSSI continues to provide project management and reporting services to INdigital and their customer for this effort.​​​ ​​​

North CAD Group (NCG) Michigan​
Phase 1: Functional Specification Package Development (02/2023 - 10/2023)
Phase 2: Optional: RFP Development, Vendor Selection, Contract Negotiation (10/2023 - Ongoing) ​
TSSI Consulting was engaged to conduct a needs assessment and develop a Functional Specification Package for the North CAD Group, Michigan. The North CAD Group is comprised of 20 counties of varying sizes throughout the Upper and Northern Lower Peninsula of Michigan.
To date, TSSI has worked to compile key demographic information from the participating agencies and completed a needs assessment. TSSI is currently working with North CAD Group Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) on the development of a Functional Specifications Package for use with any procurement documents.
TSSI anticipates additional contracted services with the North CAD Group including RFP Development, Vendor Selection, Implementation Oversight, and Vendor Management.​​​​

Los Alamos, New Mexico​
CAD/RMS/MDS/JMS RFP Development, Procurement, Contract Oversight, and Implementation Support (02/2022 - Ongoing)
The Incorporated County of Los Alamos, New Mexico engaged TSSI Consulting as their Consultant to conduct an operational assessment, develop procurement documents including an RFP, and to provide management and oversight of the selection process associated with procurement and replacement of the current Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD), Records Management System (RMS), Mobile Software Solutions (MDS), and Jail Management System (JMS) with one robust unified system, or the CMRJ system for Fire, Police, and Detention, as defined by the County. TSSI worked with Los Alamos agencies to analyze and develop County needs requirements, determine possible alternatives, develop, and coordinate the procurement according to the County’s process. TSSI team members continue to work diligently alongside the Los Alamos team to evaluate acceptable proposal documents and recommend a vendor. The project has required the TSSI team to understand and document the County’s processes and procedures, and translate that understanding into requirements that will ensure the selected vendor is capable of providing the necessary functionality. TSSI continues to manage the proposal scoring, shortlisting, on-site vendor demonstrations, and additional work with Procurement to select a vendor and complete a contract that protects the County while ensuring it receives the software and services required, in compliance with standards, and on budget.
Once the vendor is selected and awarded by Los Alamos, TSSI will be involved in contract negotiations for review by the County which will be used to finalize an agreement with the awarded vendor for their services.
Following a completed contract, TSSI has been selected by Los Alamos to conduct implementation support, which includes the management of milestones, timelines, and responsibilities.​​​​

Midland, Michigan​
Functional Specification Development (12/2023 - Ongoing)
TSSI Consulting worked with Midland, MI to develop a functional specification package that included functional specifications, proposal review, demonstration coordination and management, contract negotiation oversight and support, vendor management, and are currently managing implementation support.​
This project required a very strict timeline due to the fact of needing to replace their system (Logisys) because it would be end of life by the end of the year.​
This project is exemplary of how TSSI can respond rapidly and thoroughly when necessary, having the requirements in front of vendors in just over a month and scoring/demonstrations/reference checking, and a contract in just over six months. Our efforts resulted in significant cost savings during contract negotiations, added protections to MCCDA, and assurances of an expedited project plan to meet the urgency the County requires.

Charlevoix, Cheboygan, and Emmet County (CCE), Michigan ​
Project A: Vendor Oversight, Systems Evaluation, Subject Matter Expertise (04/2022 - 10/2022)
Project B: CAD/LERMS/AVL/JMS Assessment and System Procurement (10/2022 - Ongoing)
The three (3) county consortium made up of Charlevoix, Cheboygan, and Emmet Counties selected TSSI Consulting as their Consultant to assist with two (2) projects. Project A was to work with the current vendor to validate contracted-for functionality related to the various systems they had procured in 2019, and to manage the project implementation which had been ongoing for two (2) years with little progress. TSSI reviewed all project documentation, assessed the current progress with system set up and training, and compared functional capabilities of the system installed at CCE with the projected capabilities the contract specified to be available. Attempts to negotiate with the vendor to resolve documented issues, training shortcomings, and to drive standard project management processes for the implementation were shunned by the vendor. TSSI provided termination validation language to CCE which allowed them to terminate their contract with that vendor.
Project B is to create an RFP for an integrated CAD, MDS, FBR, LERMS, JMS system and required interfaces. This process includes assessing the previous RFP and current functional requirements of all the stakeholder agencies involved in the CCE project, create functional specification packages for the RFP, and the creation of the RFP itself. TSSI will also manage the RFP process, including scoring, demonstrations, vendor selection, and contract negotiation. TSSI will then provide CCE with implementation support services, including vendor oversight and contract management, to help ensure a successful implementation.

INdigital Telecom
Project Management Consulting, PMO Administrative, Staffing, General Consulting (06/2016 - Ongoing)
TSSI has spent a significant amount of time over the past several years contracted to implement a Project Management Office (PMO) for INdigital, a mid-sized technology company. During this time, TSSI’s president, Patrick Savage, served as its interim Director and was was instrumental in helping to define, develop, and implement advanced project management planning tools and processes. TSSI led significant change in how project management serves the corporate executive team, and has provided strategic insight and reporting on projects and programs to senior management. Mr. Savage’s efforts, and the efforts of his team of talented professionals, have helped this industry-leading company provide a level of project management services that vastly outshines its competitors. TSSI now provides administrative support for the PMO and its new full time Director.
TSSI provides software administrative support for the software applications used by INdigital for project management, including Microsoft Project, Smartsheet, and JIRA.​
TSSI also develops training materials for project management and corporate-wide training, provides circuit auditing services, and manages carrier conversion projects necessary to migrate telephony carriers to newly installed Next Generation networks.
Prior Clients

Salisbury, Maryland​
CAD/LERMS/AVL/FRMS Assessment and System Procurement (02/2021 - 03/2023)
The City of Salisbury, Maryland, selected TSSI Consulting as their Consultant to assist in the procurement of a vendor to upgrade the existing Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD), Law Enforcement Records Management System (LERMS), Fire Records Management System (FRMS) and Automated Vehicle Location (AVL) systems. TSSI team members are working with Salisbury’s project team to analyze the City’s needs and requirements, determine possible alternatives, develop and coordinate the procurement Request For Proposal (RFP) according to the City’s process, evaluate acceptable proposal documents, and help select a vendor. The project required the TSSI team to fully understand and document the City’s detailed and complex needs and translate those into requirements that will ensure the selected vendor can provide the necessary functionality and meet the City’s procurement and functional requirements.
TSSI managed the proposal scoring, shortlisting, on-site vendor demonstrations, and worked with Salisbury’s procurement team to select and vendor and complete a contract that protected the City while ensuring it received the software and services it required within the budget they had to adhere to. TSSI will be providing implementation support services, including vendor oversight and contract management, to the City to help ensure a successful implementation.​​​​

Queen Anne's County, Maryland​
CAD/LERMS/Mobile and Field Reporting - RFP Development, Procurement, and Contract Development (09/2019 - 04/2022)
Queen Anne’s County (QAC), Maryland selected TSSI Consulting as their Consultant to do an operational assessment, develop procurement documents including and RFP, and to provide management and oversight of the selection process associated with upgrading the existing Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD), Records Management System (RMS), and Mobile Data Computer (MDC) systems in use within the County. TSSI team members worked with QAC agencies to analyze and develop County needs requirements, determine possible alternatives, develop, and coordinate the procurement according to County process, evaluate acceptable proposal documents and recommend a vendor. The project required the TSSI team to fully understand and document the County’s two law enforcement agencies and the Department of Emergency Services (DES) and translate that understanding into requirements that would ensure the selected vendor could provide the necessary functionality. Once the vendor was selected and awarded by QAC, TSSI drafted a contract for review by the County which was used to finalize an agreement with the awarded vendor for their services.
QAC had an aggressive schedule, based on the need to replace a failing system and not wanting to pay another year of maintenance for that system. This project was in full swing when the corona virus pandemic overtook the United States. TSSI was able to rapidly adjust to the evolving changes the pandemic required. They leveraged web-based demonstrations and meetings, and managed on-site demonstrations that met state and county guidelines for social distancing, masks, and other mandates (e.g., questionnaires and temperature taking). TSSI was able to maximize the County’s software dollar, negotiating all required software modularity and applications while securing significant cost reductions from the vendor.​​​​

The California Governor's Office of Emergency Services, California​
Statewide Feasibility Study (02/2020 - 03/2021)
TSSI partnered with 911 Authority, LLC (providing CAD and Mobile Data subject matter expertise) to perform a state-mandated feasibility study for The California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES). Taking into consideration points from recent state legislation including availability, confidentiality, accuracy, funding availability and feasibility, this study was conducted to look into the possibility of a new statewide self-registration database system which would allow all Californians to voluntarily provide vital health and safety information, with an encrypted connection, to be available to all first responders in an emergency if a 911 call is placed. It was believed that this could specifically benefit individuals with disabilities, older adults, and other at-risk persons.
A main objective of this study was to determine the feasibility of integrating the data mandated by the above-mentioned legislation (the Manny Alert Act) with California’s evolving NG911 system and components (911 CPE, CAD, and RMS) at each PSAP in California. This included gathering information on existing CAD operations to catalog technology and systems, comparing existing CAD operations and technology to industry baseline, considering opportunities or implications of technology expansion or replacement, establishing baseline capabilities, functionality and CAD system requirements after NG911 implementation, and cataloguing CAD requirements.

Allegheny County, Pennsylvania​
CAD/Integrated Mapping/Mobile Data and Operational Records Management for Police, Fire, and EMS (03/2011 - 02/2013)
Allegheny County 9-1-1 Communications is a fully consolidated center which is both multi-agency and multi-jurisdictional. It maintains 75 dispatch positions with over 250 telecommunicators. The Center processes over 1.3 million calls per year and serves 130 municipalities. Pat Savage served as senior consultant on this project prior to joining TSSI and continued to serve the project after forming TSSI. TSSI provided guidance, direction and oversight to the client and members of the team during the implementation of a new CAD, Mobile Data System (MDS), and Law Enforcement Records Management System (LERMS) system.​
A significant portion of this project revolved around assessing fire and EMS response plans. Allegheny’s response plans are very complex, often covering up to eight (8) or more response levels. Those plans take into consideration unit usage frequency, station location(s), staffing and equipment levels associated with apparatus, geographic location, terrain features, and traffic-related logistics such as volumes, speed limits, direction, impedances, and other key traffic management considerations. The implementation of the newly procured system found that the vendor had misrepresented the capabilities of the unit recommendation capabilities.​
The vendor required an extended enhancement and development effort, and TSSI ensured this was done at no cost to the County. Significant software programming, response planning, and program and integration testing were required. TSSI led these efforts with Allegheny IT staff and response planning subject matter experts. TSSI also helped ensure contract compliance by the vendor and helped save the County significant money by ensuring the maintenance portion of the contract did not begin until the vendor met the functional requirements. Mr. Savage participated in the successful cutover to the new system in August 2012.

Lancaster County, South Carolina​
LERMS/JMS/Mobile/Field Reporting Contract Development and Implementation Support (07/2013 - 10/2014)
TSSI working as a sub-contractor to L.R. Kimball, provided Subject Matter Expertise, implementation management, and vendor oversight for the Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office for their new Law Enforcement Records Management, Field-based Reporting, and Jail Management software project. TSSI worked with the Lancaster project team to guide system build out, hands-on data conversion assistance, and participated on actual training classes and the development of system Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). TSSI provided on-site live support for the Law Records, Field Reporting, and Jail Management products – working with all shifts with users at the various locations and out in the field. This led to an extremely successful Go-Live and system turnup effort.​​​​

Loudoun County, Virginia​
CAD, Mobile, Law Enforcement Records, Fire Records, and Jail Management - Agency Assessment, RFP Development, and Systems Procurement (03/2011 – 11/2015)​​​​
TSSI worked with Loudoun County as a subcontractor to L.R. Kimball, providing Project Management and Subject Matter Expertise in preparing an RFP for system(s) to replace the County’s existing Public Safety CAD/LERMS/FRMS/JMS and related subsystems.
TSSI supported Loudoun County in requirements analysis, specification development, and cost analysis for the required systems, and provided procurement, vendor selection and project implementation support to replace Loudoun County’s existing Public Safety systems.
Consulting support focused on:
Operational assessment and business process review
System functionality and capability definition
Equipment specifications and performance levels
Unique hardware requirements and installation guidelines
Interfaces and Integration with other Loudoun County, regional, state, and national systems
Acceptance and reliability criteria
User training requirements
Warranties and maintenance support
TSSI provided pre-bid meeting support, responses to bidder inquiries, development of technical evaluations, proposal analysis, and vendor recommendations. ​​​​

Cecil County, Maryland​
CAD/LERMS/JMS/Mobile and Field Reporting RFP Development, System Procurement, and Implementation Oversight (11/2013 - O9/2015)
Cecil County, Maryland through coordination with the Department of Emergency Services (DES) selected TSSI Consulting as their Consultant to assist in the procurement and management of a project to upgrade the existing Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD), Records Management System (RMS), Jail Management System (JMS) and Mobile Data Computer (MDC) systems. TSSI team members worked with Cecil County DES to analyze and develop County needs requirements, determine possible alternatives, develop and coordinate the procurement according to County process, evaluate acceptable proposal documents and recommend a vendor. Once the vendor was selected and awarded by Cecil County, Maryland, TSSI drafted a contract for review by the County which was used to finalize an agreement with the awarded vendor for their services.
Cecil County had a very aggressive schedule, based on the need to replace a failing system and not wanting to pay another year of maintenance for that system. TSSI met that schedule, selecting a vendor in less than a year from the beginning of the project. Cecil County extended TSSI’s contract to include Implementation Support and TSSI helped drive a CAD build and system go-live in 6 months, with the entire system successfully live in 9 months. TSSI helped ensure the success of the project, including data conversion, while holding the vendor to all specified deliverables. TSSI was also instrumental in gaining Cecil County significant savings via contract negotiations and exhaustive and comprehensive implementation support and vendor oversight.​​​​​​

Union County, Pennsylvania​
CAD/Mobile Assessment, RFP Development, Proposal Evaluation (03/2013 - 09/2013)
In partnership with Essential Management Solutions, LLC, TSSI provided subject matter expertise to assess current CAD and mobile capabilities and short comings, create functional specifications for the County for use in an RFP for the procurement of a new CAD and Mobile Data System, and provide proposal evaluation services to help finalize and select the best-fit vendor. ​​​​​​

Vermillion County Emergency Telephone System Board, Illinois
Operational Assessment, RFP Development, and 911 Telephony System Procurement (06/2018 - 10/2018)
Operational Assessment, RFP Development, and CAD System Procurement (02/2015 - 09/2015)
Vermilion County and the City of Danville, through coordination with the Vermilion County Emergency Telephone System Board (VCETSB) selected TSSI Consulting as their Consultant to assist in providing an operational assessment and develop an RFP for the selection of a new Computer Aided Dispatch System. TSSI worked with Director Linton and her team to analyze operations and develop technical requirements, create an RFP, manage the RFP release, evaluate acceptable proposal documents and recommend a vendor. Due to a system that had reached “end-of-life”, there was urgency to completing the procurement effort. TSSI was able to complete the assessment, and develop and publish the RFP in just over one (1) month. TSSI has since provided continued support to Danville/Vermilion County agencies related to 911 telephony, radio systems, and other technology systems.​​​​​​

Macon - Bibb County, Georgia​
CAD / LERMS / FRMS / JMS / Mobile RFP and Procurement (10/2012 - 09/2013)
The City of Macon and Bibb County, Georgia were in the process of forming a consolidated government. This consolidation led to the selection of TSSI Consulting and Schafer Consulting to assess the current operations and needs of both the City and County administrative and Public Safety services, information technology, and automated systems. Using the information from this assessment, the firms created an RFP to procure both required systems to serve as a foundation for the new consolidated government. TSSI assessed the technology and operations of the Bibb County Sheriff’s Office (CAD/LERMS/Mobile/JMS), the City of Macon Police Department (LERMS), the Macon-Bibb County Fire Department (FRMS), the Macon-Bibb County 9-1-1 Center (CAD), and the Macon-Bibb Emergency Operations Center.
TSSI provided consulting services to Macon-Bibb County that included providing an Information Technology Assessment, RFP release and vendor response coordination, vendor selection and contract negotiations.

Essex County, Massachusetts​
CAD/RMS/Mobile Procurement and Implementation (06/2011 - 02/2013)
TSSI, working as a sub-contractor to L.R. Kimball, provided Essex County, Massachusetts subject matter expertise in the provision of Public Safety technology consulting services to support the specification, procurement and implementation of a Computer Aided Dispatch, Records Management and Mobile Data system to support the County’s new Regional Emergency Communications Center and the Public Safety agencies it will serve.
Pat Savage worked to develop requirements, prepare an RFP, and help select and contract with the most qualified vendor based on the proposal assessments. He provided project management support regarding all aspects of implementing these systems successfully at the newly established RECC. Specific tasking included:
Develop/Maintain a Master Plan with Work Breakdown Structure
Systems Assessment, Requirements Definition, Systems Specifications
Development of RFP
Identify Potential Vendors and Market Interest
Support Pre-proposal Conference
Respond to Vendor Inquiries
Evaluate Vendor Responses
Assist with Contract Finalization
Mr. Savage also worked as the technology systems project manager related to critical automated systems being installed and tested within the new RECC facility.​​​​​​​